RE 1/100 Standard/Commander Type Graze
Its Graze time! This is another build for an event with the Texas Gundam Club. They're having a Graze contest! I wasn't so keen on participating but then I came across this kit at a Barnes & Noble for 75% off and I couldn't resist! The 1/100 custom Graze is probably a better kit overall but I'm starting to like the simplicity and military style of this kit. My plan is to paint the armor black and dark blue and use fluorescent green & orange for the panel lines. The priming is all done and I plan on painting he base colors for the frame and armor tomorrow. I have to make this one quick because of my other project that's due before January, so I'm just painting and calling it done. I hope to be done by the end of next weekend, which luckily is a holiday weekend! Enjoy the pics!
Until next time, keep building!