MG Deathscythe Hell WIP 4
Paint time! With scribing/etching/filing details done it's finally time for paint!!!! I love this step because it is very satisfying taking parts and changing their color completely. It really transforms the look of a Gundam and you can watch it happen right before your eyes.
Along with painting I'll be removing seam lines. The seam lines on his kit present a unique challenge. It's a multi step process but hopefully getting rid of some seam lines will give the kit a cleaner look. The seam lines on the wings run pretty much along the whole inside edges of the wings, and they assemble in a such a way that if you glue them you can't break down the wing assembly into individual parts. I may have to mask, assemble, remove seam lines and paint like I'm doing with the shoulders, but I might leave them as-is instead. It depends on how much time I have and how the seam lines look after the wings are snapped together.
Onto some pics! I'm so excited to see some paint on this kit! Enjoy :)
That's all for now. Next up is more seam line removal and painting the main armor parts and wings. After everything is painted it'll be time for decals and panel lines. Until next time, keep building!