Vincent Longa

RX 78 Assault

Vincent Longa
RX 78 Assault


Yes! I'm so excited to share these photos with you! I worked on this from October to January and was keeping it under wraps for the most part because it was a gift for my brother in-law. But now he has it and the cat is out of the bag! I wrote a little back story for it:

"The RX 78-2 Assault Gundam was repurposed from a well rounded mid to close range fighter to a medium/long range assault unit. After researching battle damage, extra armor was added to the shoulders, chest, and leg areas in an attempt to protect the most combat vulnerable areas of the mobile suit. The handle-like armor at the top of the shoulders and the spike shaped fin on the front of the chest are designed to deflect melee attacks aimed at the head of the mobile suit. A digital camouflage pattern was decided on based on the theater of operations enemies are most encountered in (urban and air space). The Gatling cannon and rocket launcher mounted on the back provide the ability to strike from longer distances and are designed to do heavy damage to a section of an enemy mobile suit such as a leg or arm. This sets up a tactical advantage once the assault unit moves closer and engages the enemy with its shorter range beam rifle. The back mounted weapon system is designed to detach from the mobile suit during combat to allow for higher maneuverability when fighting at close range. The RX 78-2 Assault is also armed with a beam saber for close combat is needed."

Ok, onto the pics!!! 

Love this straight on shot! 

Love this straight on shot! 

Some detail in the ankle, little splash of gold for variety

Some detail in the ankle, little splash of gold for variety


Next up is the second RX 78 I made for my other brother in-law, look for some WIP pics tomorrow. Until next time, keep building!