Here we go with another RX 78-2 Revive! It could have been tedious to work on the same kit one after the other, but the customizations were different enough that it almost felt like a different kit all together. Plus it was nice being more familiar with everything. So how did it go? Check out the pics and find out! :) Oh, wait! First, a little fiction about how this mobile suit came about:
"The RX 78-2 High Maneuverability Gundam (or HMG) was repurposed from a well rounded mid to close range fighter to a close range melee fighter. This was done by adding small wings on the shoulders to make the HMG more aerodynamic, replacing the wast armor pieces with smaller and lighter armor pieces, and by replacing the regular backpack with a GN Drive enabled unit. This GN drive unit uses 2 unique rectangular thrusters combined with the housings to direct thrust in a variety of ways that allows the mobile suit to not only travel long distances in shorter amounts of time, but also maneuver more quickly. When traveling at full speed, the HMG can close the distance between the edge of an enemy's sensor array range and its location before the enemy pilots reflexes have a chance to react. This ability combined with the GN Sword means that an enemy pilot can find their mobile suit incapacitated before they realize the HMG is on the battle field. This is the primary tactical purpose of the HMG, and for that reason it is not equipped with any long range weapons, such as rifles or cannons."
Hope you enjoyed the pics, tomorrow will be the last post in the RX series, and it'll be the final pics for the RX HMG. It came out waaaay nice, and I can't wait to share the results! Until next time (thats tomorrow!) keep on building!