MG Deathscythe Hell WIP 1
Im excited to get to this kit! I've had it in my backlog since September and it's been calling my name... Those WINGS are just so sweet! I'm trying a lot of new techniques with this kit, focusing on adding details by cutting and scraping plastic away from the kit. Joshua Darrah's style and approach to modeling is a big influence for me trying these techniques, specifically what he covers in this video of him giving a demonstration in Singapore. If you're interested in modeling in any capacity, that video should be mandatory viewing. Ok, onto the first pics!
I'm excited to add more details all over this kit! It's nerve wracking at first but once you get going it is VERY rewarding and not nearly as difficult as it seems. I'm going to spend a couple more weeks doing this and trying some more techniques like panel lining, drilling detail holes, using chisels and a little pla plate. Until next time, keep building!