HG Qubeley WIP 3
I wasnt going to post another WIP, but I got the idea to do another assembly before final to see how the kit is coming together. I'm glad I did, because I found some areas that need touch up, and other areas I thought would need fixing don't. With some parts you just don't know until you see it on the kit as a whole.
I painted all the frame parts, and the armor is still in primer grey. The plan is to paint the armor this weekend in a galaxy pattern. Enjoy the pics!
I should be done with painting the armor by the end of this weekend. I'll be laying down a blue, then some pink highlights, then black sprayed through cotton to make a cloud like effect. That step makes me nervous because it's a new technique but at the same time I'm looking forward to trying something new. The last step will be specklimg white to look like stars. Ah I hope it comes out good!
Until next time, keep building!